Sunday 23rd saw the Annual Stilton Cheese run take place. This event has proved a highlight for Area K members and our organiser, Simon Wilson, made strong efforts to bring attention of the event to the whole club rather than just Area K. The Cheese Run is organised to coincide with the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Club’s annual ‘Drive it Day’ where owners of classic vehicles are encouraged to take to the road. With all marques and vintages represented the run raises money for the local Air Ambulance.
In the early 1700’s the housekeeper at Quenby Hall, near Hungarton, Leicestershire used to make blue cheese. Her daughter married the Inn keeper of The Bell Inn at Stilton. They began to sell the cheese to hungry travellers journeying along the Great North Road from London to York and thus began the 300-year association. The original route of 39 miles was by horse drawn carriage stopping off to make deliveries of cheeses at the various villages and towns along the route including Billesdon, Skeffington, East Norton, Allexton, Wardley, Uppingham, Seaton, Harringworth, Bulwick (where they changed horses at the New Lodge Farm), Southwick, Oundle and Lutton. This was one of the longest commercial carriage rides until the new internal combustion engine vans and lorries took over as the main mode of commercial road transport. The run follows the route taken by the makers of the cheese as it was delivered to the Bell Inn at Stilton.
The start off point of the Rally is the main square in Uppingham. With a bit of careful manoeuvring and some of our group valiantly standing in the road to make sure we got the space needed we managed to create a great line up of Urs in the High Street.
Our member, Mick had devised a route for us, magnificent views of the Welland Valley and the impressive Seaton/Harringworth Railway Viaduct. Even better, it allowed us a good half hour of spirited driving, it was nice to see and hear the quattros being exercised and our convoy drew plenty of attention.
Stopping for a picnic and relax at New Lodge Farm in Bulwick some tucked into the Hog Roast and refreshments while others broke out the sandwiches and picnic gear. It was great to see Mike Turner (our illustrious newsletter editor) arrive at the farm to say hello having driven from the wilds of Suffolk to see the club’s turn out.
A great day out, it was good to see the cars out and about and meet up with other club members. It’s definitely an event worth doing next year.