Rallyday 24/09/16

The Club organised for the membership 10 tickets and car passes at no cost to members. The stand was full, in fact not enough space for all our cars. We had a nice variety of colours and a mixture of WR/MB/RR including some rally painted replicas.

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The qOC stand attracted many spectators and created a lot of interest. Rallyday is growing year on year spectator wise but also with the variety of rally cars present on and off the track. Also quite a lot of professional stands with a large variety of goodies including a very good selection of model cars.

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As per usual, two of our members brought their rally group.4 rep. cars. Both cars were on track on a regular basis to the delight of the spectators, they always sound good and so different to anything else, real 80’s. They don’t make them like that anymore!

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At the end of the day, the crowds gathered on our stand around an Oceanic Blue Ur. We know it is a very nice car but look at the picture for the reason ….  The perfect solution for any stone chips on the way home?

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We all had a great time plus the weather was excellent.Hope you can make it next year.